“My focus was to learn to drive safely in the UK and not just train to pass the test. Therefore it was important for me to understand all the rules and regulations of driving in the UK.
Since I could already drive I needed the instructor to focus on teaching me UK road skills, rather than waste time on teaching me vehicle control.
When I approached Go Learn 2 Drive I had already taken a few lessons with another instructor who completely killed my confidence,
Elaine made a big difference by focusing on what I needed.
Elaine’s training style was just perfect for my needs, within the first session she had broken down different aspects and identified the things that needed more attention than others.
I would recommend Go Learn 2 Drive to others just like me because Elaine adapted her teaching style based on the needs of the pupil, this is most important.
It would be useful if a small handbook was provided at the start of the course so pupils can see how the training is progressing.”
Preeti Kankonkar
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