A few Words From A Small Selection Of Garry’s Students.

“I chose Kelvin White Driving School because I wanted a local known driving school.

My driving instructor Garry Dickens was brilliant!! Gary had absolutely fantastic teaching methods.

I will be 100% recommending the school to others as I was made me to feel at ease at all times.”

John Corrigan.

“I chose Kelvin White Driving School because of customer satisfaction and their pass rate.

I found learning to drive to be less complicated than I had expected. My driving instructor Garry Dickens had very calming teaching methods with a good sense of purpose.

I will be recommending to others as I found it to be a calm, relaxed environment in which to learn.”

Alastair Smith.

“I chose Kelvin White Driving School because of the good customer reviews I had seen. I also wanted a school with a good pass rate!

I expected to feel more panicky learning to drive but my driving instructor Garry Dickens had very good teaching methods and he was thorough!

I will be recommending to others as it was a good experience and great tuition!”

.Charlie Evershed.